Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Another Postcard
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Greetings From Sunny Vancouver
Monday, February 11, 2008
Going Grey

So, on the spinning front... I am more or less finished spinning the merino/silk blend that I have been chipping away at for the last month. I'm very happy with the yarn, which is a 3-ply woollen, roughly sportweight, though I managed to take a photo of a slub that makes it look a little heavier. The yarn is very soft and cushy, and I had great plans for a coat with intarsia concentric circles in various shades of cochineal reds or pinks.
Oh, I dreamed of the wonder and glory of the design as I spun. I debated adding beads to the pattern. Should I knit them in or embroider them on later? I could see the glorious hues of burgundy, rose, blush, scarlet, vermillion. I pondered the length of the jacket's skirt, whether to put a pleat in the back, buttonhole options. Then came dye day.
I wound five skeins of 50 yards each for a series of shades. I carefully mordanted and weighed out my cochineal. I ground those little buggies into powder and gently simmered a beautiful deep red dyebath. Then I carefully lowered the first skein in. And let it simmer for 6 hours before I got this: Yes, there is a hint of pink, though the photo does not show it well. The dyebath was very strong when I started, but was fairly well exhausted when I pulled this skein out, even though I had used enough cochineal for four more skeins. The fibres were just too dark to let the color read well. The skein that did get dyed is very lovely and interesting, but there is just not enough contrast to make the pattern that I had designed work.
Back to the drawing board. Perhaps something in a solid grey and lacey pattern. Out came the Harmony Guides, Barbara Walker, Nicky Epstein. There was a brief consultation with EZ. Much heavy pondering and navel-gazing. Then, inspiration struck, and sampling began.
I have now officially cast on the diamond lace border for a Chanel-style jacket with diamond motifs, knitted in one piece. I have already named the pattern "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend", and I am at peace with the Universe, which is apparently still unfolding as it should.
This will be my travel project, along with a pair of bright red socks. I am off to Vancouver for a week to visit my lovely and talented daughter and get some much needed R&R. I am somewhat concerned about the effects of knitting grey in grey Vancouver, but those red socks will snap me out of any doldrums that may arise. I'll try and send a postcard!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
The Usual Suspects
At approximately 4:45 on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 5, 2008, unsuspecting fibre artist Michelle Boyd entered her residence. Noticing that things were amiss, she followed a trail of splinters into her home and discovered the victim.

An autopsy revealed that the victim had been dismembered before being chewed beyond recognition, as this graphic photo shows.

The whorl was apparently removed, then the victim was rolled around on the floor and chewed upon for sometime. Portions of the victim's body are missing and presumed eaten. Note that the victim's shaft is completely split along its full length. There must have been considerable suffering before the victim's actual demise.
A canvas of the area surrounding the crime scene turned up several suspects, many of whom were already under suspicion for other crimes against fibre.

Miss Molly (good golly!), glamourous and fastidious feline goddess. Miss Molly is known to nest in prepared fibre and to sit upon the laps of spinners and bat at attenuated fibres, breaking fragile singles.

Orlando, international cat of mystery. No one has ever successfully photographed his face. A known spreader and tangler of fibres and notorious chaser of yarn, he is frequently seen napping in the vicinity of the crime scene.
Oliver, local rodent. Known for his propensity to chew wooden objects, Oliver was eliminated as a suspect early in the investigation when his alibi that he was locked in his cage was substantiated. However, statements given by Oliver led to our prime suspect...
Teagan the Wonder Schnoodle. While not commonly associated with crimes against fibre, Teagan has frequently been sighted chewing upon contraband items and was observed sniffing at the scene of the crime. And just look at that guilty face!
Investigators are also investigating this man...
...a known associate of the suspects. The muddy footprints at the crime scene match his shoes, and though he has an airtight alibi, he is the suspected criminal mastermind behind all of the suspect's criminal activities. A patient and supportive patron of the arts, he claimed responsibility for Teagan's activities because he is working an extra gig and not walking her regularly. He has even offered to compensate the victim's surviving kin with another bobbin. Highly suspicious behavior, indeed!
While the death penalty was briefly considered for the guilty party, a return to regular kenneling when human supervision is absent was deemed the most fitting course of action. The fibre artist involved was also reminded that this is why her studio has a door on it, and will ensure that the door is firmly closed in future before leaving her premises.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Of Fibre and Frogs

Due to space problems and cabin fever, I am now sharing my working space with Mr. Odd-Lot (a.k.a. Number One Son). He is building frogs for an upcoming puppet show about water and the creatures who dwell in it, written by a brilliant new playwright--yours truly! Needless to say, the January blahs are well in the past and life has resumed its insane pace around here. It is a lot of fun to have someone to chat with while you work, though.
The work at hand hit a bit of a snag today when, working through the last bag of a lovely merino-silk blend, I hit a snarl of crap. This fiber was beautifully prepared in smooth rovings for four and a half bags, and it was a dream to spin. Then, right as I was coming into the home stretch, broken, tangled, chunky carded fibres in no particular visible preparation format appeared. So my afternoon of spinning became an afternoon of making rolags. Insert unhappy face icon here. This was fibre from a reliable source, so I am bewildered as to this development. Was there a cat-astrophe that I was unaware of? Did the shopkeep put this stuff in a bag to set aside and then forget that it was supposed to be garbage? Did aliens invade and mess with my stash? The mystery may never be solved.
Thank the universe that I am a mighty Master Spinner and can deal with these crises as they arise. This is why there is a pile of rolags residing on my kitchen table with the frogs.
Moving on...I finally delivered the yoga shawl to it's happy recipient.
She waited patiently for almost a year for it, and seems fairly satisfied. She hinted that others who frequent her studio would be willing to have one as well, but I don't know if I can keep up the pace of a shawl a year!
Before I wrap up, I would like to thank everyone, in Blogland and out, who has responded to the Blue Duck. It's awesome to know I made Marie's day, and friends and family have rallied around with Blue Duck stories of their own (including Number One Son, who shares my story). In honor of the Blue Ducks everywhere, there is one being knit, with pictures to follow soon!
Friday, February 01, 2008
I've Looked at Clouds From Both Sides Now
I had a wee gathering of like-minded folk here at the old homestead yesterday. There was spinning and art and coffee and intelligent conversation. A wee oasis of sanity in the middle of cabin-fever season.
Anyhoo, the subject of Blue Ducks arose. I told my little story and repeated my rant. There was commiseration and laughter. Then everyone went home, the family all retreated to their various activities, and I was alone with my thoughts for a bit. And I had an epiphany, of sorts.
The latent Bhuddist inside of me brought me around to compassion for those I railed against...I realized that those people who are so angry when confronted with the artsy, unusual, or just plain weird are to be pitied and nurtured themselves. They are reacting from a place of fear and don't know any better. Those of us who are proud to live and work outside of the parameters of "normal lives" don't have those same fears. Or perhaps we do, which is why we become so defensive when others attack us or our practices. We just face them differently.
In the end, we all just want a sense that we have a place in the universe, and that we know what that place is. But we all have a different place, and we have to just accept that our place is scary and threatening to somebody else. That's just the way it is. Perhaps their place is scary to them, too. So I stay positive, and I smile in the face of their fear and anger, and I keep on doing what I do.
I will continue to nurture the Blue Ducks of the world, and I will do my best to have compassion for the Duck Hunters and attempt to ease their fears.
And, for the record, there are Blue Ducks. They are an endangered species (carrying on my metaphor, perhaps) native to New Zealand. Wikipedia has the most concise description here.