I have spent the last two weeks hunched over a sewing machine, creating ghoulish garb, while the other creatures of the night have labored over the new effects for the haunted house. This year's eerie extravaganza will see the addition of a singing pumpkin light show and jumping ghoulie version 2.0. This is what happens when you mix technicians and Halloween--not for the faint of heart!
Even with all of this going on, there is time to spin. The latest yarn is, of course, inspired by the season-

Black Magic! Two plies of fine worsted-spun black merino top and one ply of semi-woollen-spun Firestar in the purple/black/orange colorway. Tufts of Firestar were also added in randomly during the plying to add bursts of sparkle and texture. The resulting yarn is about 14 wpi and about 3 tpi, strong and lustrous, but with a glowing halo of the Firestar. (Notice the ghostly blur at the bottom right of the picture. Spoooooky!)

I had a little too much fun photographing it!

And the close-up.
I intend to spend my weekend knitting it into a shoulder-warmer, your basic triangular shawl pattern with i-cord fringes of varying lengths for a ragged, creepy effect. Oooh, spooky, indeed!