I guess things are back to normal--or what passes for normal around here!
With the celebration of Ukrainian Christmas Eve last night, the holidays are officially over at Casa Boyd. With the exception of the week that I was felled by our good friend Influenza A, it has been a bit of a whirlwind this year. While we usually stay home for the Christmas season and take it easy, this year we were off to the big city to see family. Preparing to travel, travelling, sleeping in a strange bed, travelling back, and unpacking were all my principle arguments against going away for Christmas in the past. And I still stand by them. However, it was really great to have everyone gathered together for a few days and spend some time with both the kids and the parents. The opportunities to do that are getting fewer and farther between, so it was worth the stress and the ensuing flu.
As always, I did a whack of Christmas knitting. I'm not really production-oriented, but it was a great feeling to churn out project after project.

The only large-scale project was this vest for my Mom. The pattern is from
Knitty, and is called The Rocks. I had a wee yardage malfunction, which I am still not sure whether it was my fault or the pattern's, but in the end, it all worked out. The yarn is an acrylic/alpaca/cotton blend whose name and manufacturer escape me as I have misplaced the ballband, and the collar and pocket trim is a wee bit of Fleece Artist mohair.

Everyone else got hats and mitts. The mitts were all on the needles at the time of the picture, but they were all done in time for the big day, which is all that matters.

And, because I am a miracle worker, I also whipped out a couple of scarves as teacher gifts the evening before the last day of classes. Apparently, chocolates just don't cut it anymore! I had grand intentions of posting the pattern before I went away at Christmas, but time somehow slipped away. Perhaps this week....
The girls are back to school tomorrow, which means I have to get back to work myself. I am determined to finish my in-depth study by March, if not sooner. There really isn't that much left to do, so I should meet that deadline easily if I don't get distracted or injured yet again. Touch wood.
Today, though, a little mindless woollen spinning to settle back in and unwind.