Shawl #1 is knit sideways in garter stitch using three different yarns, including the Hideously Expensive Skein that I bought out in Nanaimo in April. The other two yarns are different colors of a commercial mohair and silk blend. The photo doesn't really do it justice--there are dozens of different textures and colors in the yarns and it wears like a dream!

Shawl #2 is the Sheep Shawl from the Vogue On the Go Shawl book. Mostly nylon novelty yarn, with the black bits being Paton's Decor. I love the little tails and feet! And it's super warm.
Lots of therapeutic garter stitch and my hand is pretty much back to normal for strength and dexterity. I still have to rest it a lot, but I think I'm ready for something a wee bit more challenging...

The next shawl. My first spinning after the cast came off, it is an angora/Rambouillet blend, spun woollen to a medium weight. I dyed it this afternoon and will cast on Cheryl Oberle's Highland Triangle Shawl as soon as it is dry. It's a little pinker than my usual color range allows, sort of a dusty fuchsia, but I'm breaking out of my color rut!