Friday, January 01, 2010

In With the New

Happy 2010!  We managed to make it through another year--some of us more gracefully than others, but here we are nonetheless.

We celebrated the changing of the decades in Edmonton, with family.  There was much laughter--perhaps a little too much--along with fondue and, well...  Really sweet shoes.

At this time of year, so many of us pause to reflect on the year that has passed and examine its events and their impact on their lives.  Every time I tried to do this, I felt a little overwhelmed.  So much has happened that my wee brain cannot process all of the data at once!

Let it suffice to say that 2009 was a year of transitions and flux.  So many changes in my life and the lives around me.  So many babies born, jobs lost, couples married.  So many new ventures, successful and otherwise.  So many illnesses diagnosed (too many!), new friends made, old friends lost.  So many adventures embarked upon, and much travelling to new and exciting places.  So many new knitters and spinners converted.  To list everything that happened in 2009 would take longer than it did to live it!

Life is change, and this year was well-lived.

I have learned through the years that, like a roller coaster, life will go where it's supposed to, and it's best to just hang on tight and enjoy the ride, no matter how scary.  And on the first day of 2010, the first day of a new decade, I'm clutching the bar of the roller coaster cart and closing my eyes as it climbs that first climb.  I know that when the car reaches the top, the ride will begin again and all I can do is hang on and scream when I need to until the car rolls into the boarding platform.  And I'll stagger off and maybe throw up a bit, then yell "Let's go again!"

Or, who knows?  Maybe this year I'll decide to ride the Tilt-a-whirl instead.

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