...as I prepared and packed for the next three weeks of my life. I am about to embark upon Spinny Tour 09, a spinning road show of epic proportions. I will be teaching 5 different workshops in two different cities within a week, then flying to North Carolina to teach Level 3 of the Master Spinners Program to the fabulous group of spinners out there. A total of 19 days of spinny goodness, all across North America. Wahoo!
(You will note the open notebook and the plate in the foreground. Yes, I am so dedicated to preparing thouroughly that I did not even stop for meals. I ate as I worked. Or maybe I just had a piece of cake to keep my energy up.)
I'm pretty excited about getting out there among Fibre Folk. It's been a long, lonely winter of spinning by myself, and I'm looking forward to the company of those who speak my arcane language. I always come back from conferences and gatherings with a renewed sense of the rightness of what I do, and full of ideas that I will never have time to execute. There is joy and inspiration (and plenty of wine!) around every corner, because people with a common passion have gathered. I have many good friends in the fibre community, and I'm always happy to make more.
So, if you happen to be at the HWSDA Conference in Olds, Alberta May 22/23 or the ANWG Conference in Spokane on May 28-30, come on over and say hi. I'm looking forward to seeing you--or meeting you for the first time!